Home Artikels Interviews Rune Lange (voetballer)

Hi Rune


At first, I want to say thank you for giving me and our site the opportunity to interview you!As a FC Bruges fan, I'm very honoured to do this.I'm interviewing you, because I play a world famous game, that is called Football Manager.Before we start, We would like to know the person Rune Lange if you don't mind.

Do you have a wife and kids?
Yes I have a wife, she is now pregnant and we expect our first child in october

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I like to spend time with friends and family.

About football manager
Did you ever heard of this game?

Yes I have heard of it

Did you ever played it and what did you think about it?
I used to play it when I was younger. It was the best footbal game on the pc. When I became professional and also featured in the game, I stopped playing it. Although I have always wanted to play it when I could be able to buy myself and see how I performed. Now I guess it is too late and I am not so good anymore.

Do you know other football players who play this game?A lot of footballers play it, especially when they are spending many hours on the bus or plane travelling to or from a game

Like you mentioned, you are also a name in the giant database.
I'm so kind, to add your screenshot. As you can see, the developers have giving you stats. What do you think about your stats? Are they sort of similar with the reality?

Hehe. I would have hoped they were a bit better, but the last years i`ve been plagued by injuries so the stats are about correct. Maybe a few things could have been a bit different.

Do you think that this game could be a helping hand for scouting in clubs?
No I don`t think so. The scouts will have a different view on what happens than a computer.

Rune, enough talking about videogames. I'm going to ask you some questions about your career.

You are a famous player in Belgium and especially in Bruges you were a great player. Despite your injuries, you were always important for Bruges. Your heading skills were a deadly weapon to every defense. How do you look back at that time?
I look on it in two ways: It was my best years in my career cause we won 2 titles and 2 bekers, and played 3 years in Champions League. But it was also when I got injured and needed 3 operations in my 5 years in Brugge.Before I came to Club I was never injured, and because of my injuries I have alwas had to struggle to get back to the level I was before my injury, instead of getting a better footballplayer.

What was the strength of that team?
We played good as a team, played for eachother and played a system everybody knew very good.

Do you miss the club and the fans?I miss the fun and joy we had when we played because we always scored a lot of goals and won most of the games. And the supporters made a very good atmosphere in the games.

Off course you know that they had a song for you: Rune Rune Lange oh oh oh oh oh
Why did you leave Bruges?

I had to make 2 operations the last year of my contract because the first operation was not good. Because of that I was only able to play 3 games that season( La Louviere home where I scored, Juventus away and Bayern Munchen home). So I was not offered a new contract by Michel D`Hooghe.

What do you think about Bruges? After you left together with Nastja Ceh, Timmy Simons, …. The club went backwards and the are playing bad year after year.

It is not the same after Michel Van Maele and Antoine Vanhove. After Michel D`hooghe became president, a lot changed. Some things for the better, but other important things became worse and between us players we spoke that now the club is going in the wrong direction. But as long as Trond Sollied was in charge, he had enough power to keep the “good old” going. But when he quit Michel D`Hooghe took full command and since then it has gone one way.In football it takes time to build a winning team, but it can be broken down fast.

In the papers there are rumours that you are coming back to Belgium. Roeselare is interested in you.  But you denied it, is that true?
We spoke together but othing was agreed

Are the other clubs interested in you?
In Norway yes, but I am not sure if i want to play in Norway.

Did you liked your period at Hartlepool United?
I scored in my first game form start against MK Dons, the second game vs Leicester I got my shoulder out of position and had to operate. So I didn`t have time to show what I am capable of.

Where you disappointed that the club didn’t renew your contract? Was it because of your injury?
They said they wanted me for next season, but after the operation when they learned how serious the injury was, they haven`t spoken to me. Not even asking me how it is going.

Do you still watch or Belgian football?
I follow belgium football and Club Brugge on the internet

What are your best moments as a football player?
My topscorertitle in Norway 1999, my 2 titles and 2 bekers with Club and the games in Champions League

What is the worst?
The 5 operations I have done which have taken 3 years of my career an my chance to become a much better player

Which is the best football player you played with?
A player called Sergen when I played in Trabzonspor. He was called the turkish Maradona in Turkey

What are you going to do after your career? Going into coaching or another responsibility in football?
I don`t know yet. Hopefully something with football

Which is the best football player you played against?
I don`t know. I have played against many players, difficult choose one.

Do you have a football idol?
Not now, when I was younger it was Karl Heinz Rummenigge and then Eric Cantona

Thank you very much for the interview Rune. We wish you the very best with your remaining career and the best of health for your future baby and wife!


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